Finished Project

This page refers to a project that is no longer active and so information here may be out of date or otherwise incorrect.

Real-Time Analysis Of COPD Emergency Admissions


  • To examine historical patterns of emergency COPD admissions and outcomes throughout the North West using geocoded HES data
  • To develop methods of visualising spatio-temporally referenced admissions data so as effectively to communicate uncertainty to clinicians at the point of care
  • To develop methods of data-linkage between primary and secondary care records and other relevant data sources, for example socio-demographic small-area indices, NHS prescribing patterns and weather station networks.


Spatial and spatio-temporal statistical methods will be used to enable separation of signal from noise in the pattern of admissions. The team has previous experience of using this approach in NHS settings, including real-time gastroenteric surveillance, prescribing, and sales of non-prescription medication. In addition we will explore ways of presenting real-time updates of these methods for use in a clinical emergency admissions setting.