Former CHICAS member

This page refers to someone who is no longer in the CHICAS group or possibly even at Lancaster University. Any information here may be out of date.

Andy Yuille

Andy is an interdisciplinary, qualitative social scientist. He combines 15 years’ experience of working with NGOs with an academic approach informed by Science and Technology Studies and the idea of public sociology. His interests are interdisciplinary and impact-oriented, building on experience beyond academia in influencing environmental, planning, transport and economic policy.

He is interested in the relationships between society and environment, and in particular:

  • how we make public decisions about environmental change
  • how public participation in decision-making is facilitated or excluded
  • experiments in democracy and innovative governance practices that seek new ways of engaging publics in decision-making
  • different ways of generating and representing knowledge about environment, and what happens at the interfaces of these knowledges
  • how different forms of knowing and valuing are included or excluded, legitimised or silenced by decision-making processes