Former CHICAS member

This page refers to someone who is no longer in the CHICAS group or possibly even at Lancaster University. Any information here may be out of date.

Vanessa Sehaber

I am Vanessa F. Sehaber, a PhD student from the Federal University of Paraná State(UFPR), Curitiba, Paraná State, Brazil. I am a visiting student in CHICAS and my current research is focussed on Epidemiological Surveillance, where I am working with spatial statistical methods to explain the occurrence of leprosy in Paraná State.

I hold a BSc degree in Statistics (UFPR). I completed my MSc in Numerical Methods and Engineering (UFPR), and my PhD is in the same area, with a specific focus on Mathematical Programming.

Currently, I am interested in statistical quality control, multivariate statistical, experiment design, survival, spatial analyses.