Former CHICAS member

This page refers to someone who is no longer in the CHICAS group or possibly even at Lancaster University. Any information here may be out of date.

Rachael Mountain

Rachael has now graduated with a PhD. Her original bio follows:

I am a Statistics and Epidemiology PhD student in CHICAS supervised by Prof. Jo Knight and Dr Emanuele Giorgi. I am funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) via the North West Social Science Doctoral Training Partnership (NWSSDTP). My PhD is in partnership with University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay.

My research is focused on chronic respiratory disease care in the Morecambe Bay area and aims to evaluate the clinical benefits of the Morecambe Bay Respiratory Network (MBRN), a local integrated care initiative established in 2017. The objectives of my research are to utilise routinely collected healthcare data to develop:

  1. spatio-temporal models for outpatient referrals
  2. classification algorithms to understand the features of diagnostic quality;
  3. models for predicting how well patients control their symptoms following initial diagnoses.

I hold an MSc in Statistics and a BSc in Mathematics, both from Lancaster University.