Former CHICAS member
This page refers to someone who is no longer in the CHICAS group or possibly even at Lancaster University. Any information here may be out of date.
Peter M Macharia
I am a spatial epidemiologist funded by the Royal Society under the Newton International Fellowship scheme (2021-2023) and hosted by the CHICAS research group at Lancaster Medical School, Lancaster University. I work under the guidance of Dr Emanuele Giorgi to develop geostatistical methods for mapping prevalence in presence of incomplete spatial information using malaria school survey data from Kenya. I collaborate with Professor Bob Snow and Dr Emelda Okiro, both from KEMRI Wellcome Trust Research Programme, Kenya where I am a visiting researcher.
I am interested in the application of geospatial models to derive spatial health metrics to aid in a better understanding of health inequalities, vulnerabilities, and population health. Particularly the use of conditional autoregressive models and model based geostatistics to map disease prevalence, child health outcomes; characterizing physical access, marginalization to healthcare and creation of health indices.
I hold BSc and MSc degrees in Geomatic Engineering & Geospatial Information Systems from JKUAT, Kenya, a post graduate diploma in health research methods of Pwani University, Kenya and a PhD in spatial epidemiology of The Open University, UK and KWTRP.