Software Skills Workshops for 2021

Robin Long, the N8CIR Research Software Engineer, will be running a new programme of workshops for research computation skills. The workshops are suitable for PhD students and staff. For more details contact Robin Long via Teams.
2021/2022 Term 1 Schedule
All the sessions are online, from 9:30 to 15:30 on Thursdays. Use the Eventbrite links for tickets and access details.
Week 6: Introduction to Linux and the command line.
Want to know how to navigate the Linux command line, and use it to automate your research? Then this course is for you.
Week 7: Plotting in Python
This course introduces python with learning to load in and plot data as the motivation. If you have never used Python before and want to learn, or even if you want to improve your skills, this is the course for you.
Week 8: Version Control with Git
This course introduces the concept of version control and teaches it using Git. If file names such as mycode_version5 and mycode_fixed look familiar to you then you need this course!
Week 9: Plotting in Python part 2
This is the second part of the introduction to Python course. Here you will learn about how to run the same tasks multiple times with loops; getting your code to run depending on the data with if statements; re-using code with functions and more.
Week 10: Git 2: Sharing your development with others using Github
This course will show you how to take your usage of Git and Github to the next level by harnessing the power of GitHub for collaboration.
Have you ever been confused about how to start a Pull Request or how to fork a repository and merge your changes back. Perhaps you know and want to gain confidence in doing so? This course will teach you how to collaborate using git, and give you an environment in which to practise.
Updated: Monday 1 November, 2021